Browse Big-E

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Portugal commits to promote electric mobility by improving the existing charging infrastructure network and increasing the number of charging stations. Portugal will also adopt new legislation addressing the market of electricity distribution for transport use and give different kinds of incentives to electric vehicles acquisition and use by transport operators and by individuals. The country will promote the renewal of the transport fleet of the Public Administration with electric vehicles and complete the regulatory framework of electric mobility. 

The commitment falls under focus areas 4, 5, and 8 of the Batumi Initiative to shift consumer behaviours towards more sustainable consumption patterns; develop clean physical capital for sustainable production patterns; and improve access to service, healthy living and well-being.

Implementing partners include energy sector decision makers and public administration entities. 

The commitment is relevant to SDG 3, 9, 11, and 13. 

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Italy commits to the preparation of a catalogue of environmentally harmful subsidies and environmentally favourable subsidies. The document to support the implementation of this commitment derived from the European Commission Communication “Europe 2020 - A strategy for smart sustainable and inclusive growth”; the “European semester” recommendations of the European Parliament and Council; and the OECD 2013 Environmental Performance Review of Italy. Subsidies are intended as part of the commitment and include, among others: tax expenditures; incentives; benefits; subsidised loans; and tax exemptions with an impact on the environment. The commitment falls under focus area 2 to promote the internalisation of negative externalities and sustainable use of natural capital. The commitment intends to phase out environmentally harmful subsidies and restructure environmental favourable subsidies.

The commitment falls under focus area 2 of the Batumi Initiative to promote the internalisation of negative externalities and the sustainable use of natural capital. 

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Hungary commits to developing, reconstructing and remodelling of buildings for agriculture, local and national government, and non-profit organisations with energy efficiency developments and shifting towards renewable energy use. The commitment also intends to stimulate the building of new district-heating units based on renewable energy and the renewal of old units with shift towards renewable energy use. It also includes the development of projects for renewable energy use in agriculture. The commitment aims to decrease the dependency on international energy market, reinforce the local building sector, develop local expertise, create jobs as well as decrease environmental footprint. 
The commitment falls under focus area 5 of the Batumi Intiative to develop clean physical capital for sustainable production patterns. 
Implenting partners include Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of National Development. 
The commitment is relevant to SDG targets 7.1 and 7.2. 

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Belarus commits to creating green city public transport infrastructure and incentivise the production of low carbon vehicles. This commitment will be to reduce the emission of pollutants and greenhouse gasses. It will reduce pollution in cities; save fuel resource; increase export of fuel (gained through vehicle fleet fuel savings). Belarus also commits to increase the support to domestic auto-making and transport industries.

This commitment falls under focus area 4 and 8 of the Batumi Initiative to shift consumer behaviours towards more sustainable consumption patterns, and improve access to services, healthy living and well-being.

Implementing partners include the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus, interested national public governing bodies and the business community.

The commitment is relevant to SDGs 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 16.