The "Ecological Effects of Railways on Wildlife" (rEvERsE) program, initiated by the International Union of Railways (UIC) in collaboration with a wide array of European stakeholders, is dedicated to finding effective solutions and identifying best practices for managing railway linesides. This initiative aims to not only halt the loss of biodiversity but also actively contribute to its reversal. The focus is on enhancing the ecological value of railway environments in a manner that supports wildlife and ecosystem health.
This case study highlights the efforts of ProRail in the Netherlands, which commissions ecological survey firms to carry out comprehensive "Nature Value Research." This field research encompasses the entire Dutch Railway network and its adjacent properties, focusing on flora, fauna, select invasive species, and wildlife facilities. As ProRail gains more detailed information about its 'green assets,' this data is integrated into improved mapping systems. With these enhanced maps, ProRail can develop more precise and effective plans for managing these 'green assets.' These strategies are tailored to foster biodiversity, reflecting a commitment to ecological sustainability within the railway infrastructure.