The Green Growth Potential Assessment (GGPA) is a diagnostic tool developed by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). It consists of a combination of data analysis and stakeholder consultation in order to identify and prioritize a country’s opportunities for green growth. In the context of Papua New Guinea, the methodology was adapted to identify priorities in relation to climate change.
This report presents the findings of the GGPA of Papua New Guinea and details the recommendations, each supported by a solid rationale. This report provides a systematic overview of the phenomena the country is exposed to and their potential impacts. It also provides a detailed assessment of the potential for electricity generation from renewable sources in Papua New Guinea.
This report sees a decisive role for the private sector in off-grid electrification. It is recommended for the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) to support the private sector by introducing consistent legislation and providing regulatory certainty for the (off-grid) electrification, facilitating access to finance for private sector players, and strengthening quality control of off-grid renewables equipment sold in Papua New Guinea.
In terms of agriculture and forestry, this report also provides recommendations for improving the sustainability of the agriculture and forestry sector as it plays an important role in mitigating and adapting to the adverse impacts of climate change, constituting important carbon reservoirs and reducing the impact of natural disasters related to climate change.