Leveraging Sustainable Procurement to Transform Tourism: Case Studies

These case studies demonstrate how corporate buyers have effectively embedded sustainability in their procurement processes to improve resource efficiency and reduce GHG emissions.

Transforming the tourism value chains to low carbon and resource efficiency requires an increase in sustainable consumption and production practices. By buying more sustainable products and services, corporate buyers in the tourism sector can convey a strong market signal and help drive markets towards more sustainability.

Following up the interactive workshop “Leveraging sustainable procurement practices to transform tourism value chains” which took place in October 2018, UN Environment has documented successful sustainable procurement practices in a series of 16 case studies. 

The case studies encompass the following areas: 

  • Incorporating circularity in procurement processes,
  • Sustainable food procurement,
  • Sustainable procurement of energy-efficient equipment,
  • Leveraging sustainable procurement to phase out single use plastics, and 
  • Procurement guidance and certifications to encourage sustainable procurement practices.
Sectors :