Powering a Carbon-Free Hong Kong: Pathways Towards a Net-Zero Emissions Power System for Hong Kong

Authors :
Xinyuan Wen, Xiaquan Jiany, Hongyu Ding, Lawrence Iu, Lauren Chan, Simran Sawhney, Wee Kean Fong
World Resources Institute (WRI)

The energy sector is the most important sector for Hong Kong to win the race to zero emissions, as electricity generation is Hong Kong’s dominant source of greenhouse gas emissions. In the future, continued economic growth and population growth, as well as widespread electrification, will greatly increase demand for electricity. For this reason, a robust zero-carbon power system needs to be established as soon as possible.

This report analyses Hong Kong’s options regarding decarbonizing the power sector, which is critical for the city to achieve its carbon neutrality goal. Based on an in-depth analysis of different power technologies, the report proposes five energy-mix scenarios to decarbonize Hong Kong by 2050 and evaluates their climate, economic, environmental, health and energy security impacts.

Recommendations can inform government planning in its pursuit of the mid- and long-term targets laid out in Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan.


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