Shed Light, Build Resilience Series: Unearthing Evidence on Climate Change, Gender, and Livelihoods in Canada

Climate change affects everybody and will only intensify in the coming years; however, it does not impact all people equally. Existing research around equity and climate change focuses predominantly on Global South contexts, while evidence relevant to the Canadian experience remains sparse. Closing this knowledge gap is critical to help us first understand, and then address, the unique experiences of at-risk groups in a changing climate

This report, the first in a pair of reports that constitute the Shed Light, Build Resilience series, synthesizes the most recent evidence available at the nexus between climate change and gender, with a particular focus on identifying intersectional implications of climate change for diverse groups in Canada.

This report examines health, food security, work, housing, and migration and displacement in a changing climate. Each of these focus areas are explored respectively in Arctic, rural, coastal and urban communities, as well as considered as interconnected issues that require systemic solutions.

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