Certified Expert in Climate & Renewable Energy Finance

Organisation :
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Frankfurt school Flyer_Course_Certified Expert in Climate & Renewable Energy Finance.JPG

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management is offering an online course, Certified Expert in Climate & Renewable Energy Finance, that aims to explain the specifics of climate and renewable energy finance to a range of audience across both public and private sector practitioners.

Climate Change is high on the agenda of governments across the world. The structural change of the global energy system is already under way with annual investment in power generation based on renewables at almost the same level as investment in power based on fossil fuels.

This course will help participants understand the different perspectives on financing climate and RE projects and covers the following modules:

  • Introduction to Climate & Renewable Energy Finance in the Context of Climate Change and Climate Policy
  • Overview on Climate Finance
  • Basics of Finance and Investment
  • The Role of Regulation and Support Frameworks
  • Business Models for Renewable Energy
  • Technical Knowledge on RE Technologies and Electricity Markets
  • The Universe of Climate and RE Investor
  • Financing Structures, Financial Instruments and Donor Interventions for RE Project
  • Applying Knowledge in Practice: Financial Modelling
  • Excursus: Financing for Energy Efficiency


Sectors :