Climate Resilience of the Private Sector – Become a Climate Expert

Organisation :
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

On 16-31 July 2018 the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) is offering an online training course on "Climate Resilience of the Private Sector". The training illustrates how climate change affects businesses, makes the business case for adaptation, and shows strategies for climate resilience. Participants will learn how to use the 4-step Climate Expert tool to analyse climate risks and opportunities, prioritize adaptation measures and design adaptation strategies.



Water scarcity, flooding, heat waves – climate change can severely affect the private sector. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, as they strongly depend on local resources. At the same time, SMEs play a key role in creating employment and supplying goods and services to the population. By affecting SMEs, climate change can thus hamper economic growth and put local livelihoods at risk. Yet, there are possibilities and approaches to react properly: If engaged effectively, the private sector is uniquely capable of developing locally relevant, effective solutions for the challenges of climate change.

This is where the Climate Expert tool comes into play. Climate Expert helps small and medium-sized enterprises analyse – in four consecutive steps – climate change risks and opportunities and generate strong adaptation strategies. It was developed by the GIZ Global Program on Private Sector Adaptation to Climate Chance (PSACC) on the basis of real company cases. This tool specifically addresses businesses and includes a climate risk assessment and a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) for identifying appropriate adaptation measures and drawing up adaptation strategies.



This remote training illustrates how climate change affects businesses, explains the rationale behind adaptation and shows strategies for climate resilience. Participants will learn how to use the 4-step Climate Expert tool to analyse climate risks and opportunities, prioritize adaptation measures and design adaptation strategies. All working material, background information and company cases are designed to empower participants to closely engage with the private sector and to help enterprises ensure business survival and growth despite climate change.

The training entails ten 2 hour-sessions on various topics relevant to the private sector. Content might vary depending on requirements of participants. Exercises and self-learning material will be provided during the training modules. Virtual exchange of participants for group discussion is possible.



This online training is intended for consultants who want to support private sector companies in adapting to climate change. Representatives of business associations, chambers of commerce, NGOs or GIZ staff working with the private sector are also invited to participate. Participants should have worked with the private sector before (risk management, strategic planning, capacity building, quality management or similar topics). Basic understanding of climate change and adaptation will increase the learning effect of the course.



Time: 10:00 – 12:00 a.m. (hours flexible, depending on participants).
Technical Requirements: Participants need a PC/laptop and microphone/ headset. They should also have MS Office and access to the internet. More specific software requirements will be communicated prior to the training.
Cost: 690 Euros. This includes exercises and self-learning material.
Themes :