Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance Summer Academy

Organisation :
The Frankfurt School - UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance

The role of financial markets in driving the transformation towards a low-carbon climate resilient economy is fundamental to the efficient implementation of global ambitions in the post-Paris Agreement phase. Realising a successful transformation requires thought leaders to understand and critically analyse the key aspects of private capital engagement at various levels and from different sources. 

The Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance Summer Academy will help participants understand two different perspectives on financing climate and Renewable Energy (RE) projects: firstly, why markets alone might fundamentally not be able to trigger investment in a way that environmental issues are appropriately taken into account and which policy instruments are available to correct these so-called “market failures”. Secondly, the project perspective of investors or financiers confronted with the specifics of RE and EE financing including but not limited to dealing with the specific risk profile of capital intense business models in an often policy and regulation driven market.

The Summer Academy gives participants the chance to take a leading role in the climate finance story. Participants complete core coursework on the linkages between public and private sector finance, the impact of recent international climate negotiations as well as policies and sources of financing to scale up and unlock climate finance. During the summer academy participants are guided through the risks and barriers to private investment in climate finance, and learn to assess the financial viability of investments as well as the impact of public support instruments. Moreover, technical issues are part of the programme, with participants building up a toolbox of practical knowledge on RE project finance to ultimately build their own financial model.



The Frankfurt School - UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance (The Centre) is a strategic cooperation between UN Environment and the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. The Centre has a long-standing track record in designing, implementing and evaluating climate and renewable energy (RE) finance projects aiming to facilitate private sector investments. One of the Centre’s primary goals is to equip thought leaders with the necessary skills to improve access to clean energy and climate finance in developing and emerging economies. 

The Centre is committed to facilitating the necessary structural change of energy supply and use around the globe by helping to catalyse private sector capital flow towards investments in sustainable energy and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Its work is designed to encourage and assist the finance community to scale-up current investment, or to take the first steps into new markets, particular in developing countries. To help achieve this goal, the Centre offers the Climate & Renewable Energy Finance e-learning course and the the Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance Summer Academy. 

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