GIZ Online Training Series – Resource Efficiency for Businesses

Organisation :
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP)

Resource efficiency offers big value for businesses, including significant cost savings, employee retention and the reputational benefits of good environmental performance.

What are first steps companies can take towards resource efficiency? How much effort will it require? What are key strategies for more resource-efficient products and processes? How can businesses utilize Industry 4.0 technologies to reduce costs and improve in competitiveness through resource efficiency?

Resource Efficiency for Businesses is a 3-part online training series that will answer these questions and more. Watch the recordings to take a close look at the business case for resource efficiency (19 February), the resource efficiency roadmap for businesses (26 February), and real-world examples of strategies and measures that SMEs around the world are already using for better resource efficiency (4 March). Additional details are provided below. 

The series is offered by the German Corporation for International Cooperation/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the German Competence Centre  for Resource Efficiency (VDI ZRE) in collaboration with the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP).



The Business Case for Resource Efficiency - 19 February (3pm CET) 
  • What is resource efficiency and why does it matter for climate change?
  • What motivates companies to become more resource efficient?
  • What are the benefits of resource efficiency for companies?

An interactive discussion with participants focused on the challenges of implementing resource efficiency in companies and how they can be overcome.


The Resource Efficiency Roadmap for Businesses - 26 February (3pm CET)
  • What are the first steps companies can take to become more resource efficient?
  • How can companies assess their production sites to see where there is room for improvement? What data is required?
  • How can companies assess and select the resource efficiency measures that are most appropriate for their business? What methods and tools can be applied?

An interactive discussion with participants focused on the role of employees before and during the implementation of resource efficiency in companies.


Strategies, Measures, and Real-world Experience - 4 March (3pm CET)
  • What are the main product-related and process-related resource efficiency strategies?
  • How much effort will it require to implement resource efficiency measures?
  • How can businesses utilize the “Industry 4.0” technology that is expected to transform production to become more competitive and cost-efficient through resource efficiency?

An interactive discussion with participants will focus on the most effective strategies and measures for increasing resource efficiency and how digitisation and technologies can support  implementation. 



About GIZ

As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, GIZ is dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world with over 50 years of experience in areas including economic development and employment promotion, energy and the environment, and peace and security. 

About the GGKP

The Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP) is a global network of experts and organizations dedicated to providing the policy, business, and finance communities with knowledge, guidance, data, and tools to transition to an inclusive green economy three knowledge platforms: the Green Growth Knowledge Platform, the Green Industry Platform, and the Green Finance Platform.

About the VDI Centre for Resource Efficiency

The VDI Competence Centre for Resource Efficiency (VDI ZRE) works at the interface between business and science and pools know-how from theory and practice. It is closely connected with the VDI Association of German Engineers, Germany’s largest association of engineers. The VDI ZRE was launched in 2009 as a cooperative project of the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the VDI.

Publisher(s) :
VDI Competence Centre for Resource Efficiency (VDI ZRE)