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Organisation :
Florence School of Regulation (FSR)
The Florence School of Regulation as part of its global initiatives is offering an online course focusing on energy sector issues pertinent to developing countries. This course will enable the learner in gaining a comprehensive vision to design appropriate policy and regulatory framework needed to ensure sustainable energy for all.
Bonn, Germany
Organisation :
United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC)
An engaging 5-day programme that fosters rich interaction on issues relevant to the work of the UN and its partners to concretely implement the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. It will feature panel discussions, solution oriented workshops (AppLabs), excursions as well as a share fair.
Organisation :
University of East Anglia
The world faces challenging environmental problems. They are challenging because different people typically contribute differently to environmental change, and because its effects will be felt differently by different people in different places. This free online course will help you understand how injustice is a common feature of many environmental problems.
Organisation :
Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)
To meet the learning needs and build capacities of national stakeholders, the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) delivers the second edition of this e-learning course. The interactive and practice-oriented course seeks to provide interested participants from government, business, civil society and academia with an introduction to various approaches and policy instruments for reforming government spending and revenue generation with the goal of supporting the transition to a green economy.
Organisation :
United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC)

Designed in coordination with the National University of Singapore acting through its Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and the Hertie School of Governance based in Berlin, this course will focus on building coherent policies for sustainable development in context of the 2030 Agenda.


Course Content

The course...

Organisation :
Hamburg Open Online University
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Aruba Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development of SIDS

This course lets you explore and assess the opportunities that sustainable energy technologies offer for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). This course will help you to think carefully and critically about current energy regimes and energy policies. It illustrates through practical examples how policy-making can improve energy access, energy security...

Organisation :
University of Edinburgh
The MSc in Carbon Finance is dedicated to professionals in the field of low carbon finance and investment. Designed to develop your understanding of how the challenges of climate change are driving trillions of dollars of new investment in a huge range of sectors, including energy production, housing and infrastructure, the programme will also prepare you to deliver this investment with advanced knowledge and skills.
Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty – Long Lasting Investments in a Changing World
Organisation :
World Bank Group (WBG)
This new e-course describes an innovative methodology to deal with uncertainties: Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty (DMDU), and how to use it to make robust decisions for long term investments in a changing world.
Enschede, the Netherlands
Organisation :
University of Twente
UNEP DTU Partnership
E Co.
The aim of the course is to develop participants’ skills in preparing proposals for low carbon climate resilient development in areas such as clean energy access, energy efficiency and adaptation to climate change so that they can mobilise climate finance, particularly from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), and catalyse the deployment of climate change solutions in developing countries.
Olomouc, Czech Republic
Organisation :
Climate Risk Analysis
As part of the 19th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG2018), this short course focuses on statistical methods and data analysis in the field of climate and risk.