Disasters have multiple impacts e.g., losses of lives, devastating impacts on infrastructure, damage to ecosystems and undermining development. On top of this, climate change is expected to aggravate existing disaster risks in many regions of the world. There is a need for increased awareness amongst practitioners, policymakers and researchers on...

The Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific at the Asian Institute of Technology, under the Climate Change Asia Initiative, with the support of the UNDP, will host a training programme on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation, March 12-23 2018, in Bangkok.
The training programme aims...

Conflicts over natural resources are among the greatest challenges in 21st century geopolitics, and present serious threats to human security. At least 40 per cent of all internal armed conflicts over the past 65 years have had an important natural resource dimension. Since 1989, more than 35 major armed conflicts...

Chaque région du monde présente des facteurs de vulnérabilité au changement climatique mais est néanmoins en mesure d’atténuer les effets de ce phénomène et de renforcer sa résilience. En ratifiant l’Accord de Paris, la communauté internationale a manifesté sa volonté d’agir. En effet, sans action climatique concertée, les progrès accomplis...