UN CC: Learn Course - E-Learning for a Green Recovery

Organisation :
UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn)
E-Learning for a Green Recovery_UNCCLearn

These courses are a global e-learning series that addresses the key policy issues central to the green recovery debate. They aim to inform and shape the public policy debate around green economic reform and ultimately support countries in planning their responses to COVID-19.

There are 6 online courses as followed:

  • Introduction to Green Economy E-Course : This course introduces the basic concepts, policy instruments and international frameworks of inclusive green economies. It consists of five modules which are divided into smaller sections. Available in English, Spanish and French.
  • Introduction to Sustainable Finance E-Course : This interactive and practice-oriented course covers the basics of Sustainable Finance while providing several opportunities to dive deeper. It explains the examples of UN-supported initiatives to promote sustainable finance in countries like Mongolia and Indonesia. The course is designed for interested participants from governments, the financial sector, businesses, and civil society. Available in English and Spanish.

  • Green Industrial Policy E-Course : What policies can countries implement to address the two defining crises of our time—COVID-19, and the climate emergency? How do we build the next generation of leaders—and those that inform and educate them—needed to advance green, structural change? In seeking to answer both of these questions, PAGE’s new e-course on Green Industrial Policy: Promoting Competitiveness and Structural Transformation could not be timelier.

  • Green Fiscal Reform E-Course : Green fiscal policies play a key role in countries’ recovery efforts by removing inefficiencies in public expenditures and raising additional fiscal revenues while supporting longer-term investments. This course sets out to provide interested participants from government, business, and civil society with an introduction to the green fiscal policy tools and approaches to foster a more sustainable future.

  • Green Economy and Trade E-Course : This course contains four lessons which aim to provide participants with the basic skills and practical tools needed to advance the inclusive green economy transition via green trade, and vice-versa. Including trade and environment interface, perceived tensions and synergies between trade liberalisation and the green economy, enabling conditions and policy design for green trade, and seizing green opportunities.

  • Green Indicators E-Course : This course explains how indicators can support policymaking in measuring progress toward an Inclusive Green Economy. It reviews conceptual frameworks to guide countries in the selection of indicators and describes various approaches to indicator measurement. Finally, the course addresses the process of indicator selection and reviews the indicator frameworks used by some international organizations.

Publisher(s) :
UN CC: Learn
Tags :
green recovery
sustainable finance
inclusive green economy
Initiatives :
Green Learning Network