UN:CC eLearn Course - Introduction to Sustainable Finance

Organisation :
Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), Strategic Alliance on Green Bond Market Development in G20 Emerging Economies (STA)

This 2-hour e-course on Sustainable Finance provides technical knowledge on why and how to choose sustainable finance solutions over conventional investment. Participants become acquainted with basic skills and tools for applying the sustainable finance mechanisms to a real-world policy or business context.

After completing the course, participants will be able to: 

  • Describe, understand and discuss current developments and trends in the area of sustainable finance;
  • Distinguish between different types of sustainable finance products and relevant eligibility criteria;
  • Discuss opportunities, challenges, and enabling conditions for countries to benefit from growing sustainable investment opportunities; 
  • Identify opportunities for the public and private sectors to issue green bonds and green loans;
  • Apply sustainable finance mechanisms to a real-life investment case study.

The course is presented in three modules

  • Fundamentals of Sustainable Finance: Five lessons introducing sustainable finance and its potential to achieve the Sustainable development goals and the Paris Agreement.
  • Sustainable Finance Market: Four interactive lessons about the functions, stakeholders and regulations that govern the sustainable finance market.
  • Sustainable Finance Products: Three interactive lessons explaining Green Bonds and Green Loans in detail.


Target audience 

The course targets groups and individuals from the public and private sectors, and civil society interested in learning about how sustainable finance can transform the way today’s economies work. The programme will be suitable for introductory level learners but can be also be used by learners with existing knowledge and experience related to sustainable finance. Prospective participants include:

  • Government officials involved in developing and setting up policy frameworks for sustainable development and in particular sustainable finance;
  • Individuals from public and private sectors and institutions that are potential issuers or investors in sustainable finance products;
  • Professionals involved or interested in underwriting, research, consultancy or other professional services for sustainable finance products;
  • Other individuals/institutions with an interest in sustainable finance.

A UN Certificate of completion is available for participants that achieve 70% on three quizzes. 

This course has been developed by the GIZ-SEB Strategic Alliance (STA) on Green Bond Market Development in G20 Emerging Economies and the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), a One UN initiative bringing together UN Environment, ILO, UNDP, UNIDO, and UNITAR

Publisher(s) :
Strategic Alliance on Green Bond Market Development in G20 Emerging Economies (STA)
Initiatives :
Global Opportunities for SDGs (GO4SDGs)
Green Learning Network