This interactive and practice-oriented course which is held over two days covers the basics of Sustainable Finance while providing several opportunities to dive deeper. It shares valuable insights of the Strategic Alliance of GIZ and SEB and the technical partner CICERO, gained during activities in emerging economies and interactions with market participants worldwide.
Course Content
This course provides examples of UN-supported initiatives to promote sustainable finance in countries like Mongolia and Indonesia. The course is designed for interested participants from governments, financial sector, businesses, and civil society. The e-learning course provides technical knowledge on why and how to choose sustainable finance solutions over conventional investment. For that, participants will begin to acquaint themselves with basic skills and tools for applying the sustainable finance mechanisms to a real-world policy or business context.
Eligibility and Applications
The proposed programme targets groups and individuals from the public and private sectors, and civil society interested in learning about how sustainable finance can transform the way today’s economies work. The programme will be suitable for introductory level learners but can be also be used by learners with existing knowledge and experience related to sustainable finance.