World Bank Course: Introduction to Results Based Climate Finance (RBCF)

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The UNFCCC’s twenty-first Conference of Parties (or COP21), held in December 2015, resulted in 186 countries agreeing to address climate change and set the foundation for the necessary transition of global economy towards a low-carbon pathway. As part of the Paris process, more than 180 countries submitted their pledges – the Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs – laying out the actions they will take to reduce emissions and increase resilience to climate change impacts. The significant investment needs embedded in the NDCs will have to be mobilized, and quickly and effectively channeled into climate related initiatives. 

This e-course provides basic theoretical information about using results-based finance for achieving different development objectives, as well as examples of Results Based Climate Finance (RBCF) programs implemented by various organizations to support climate action and development.


This e-learning course is a part of the World Bank Climate Change Online Learning program. This is the one- stop- shop providing access to well-researched, cutting edge knowledge around climate change to all. 

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