Civil Society and Business Event - Implementation and action toward carbon neutrality: Roles of businesses, civil society, and local governments

On 26 May 2021, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Climate Change Center are hosting an event on "Civil Society and Business Event - Implementation and action toward carbon neutrality: Roles of businesses, civil society, and local governments".

GGGI and CCC will organize a civil society and business event, inviting non-state actors, private sector representatives and the Campaign partners to better understand the exact path to eliminate emissions since corporate sustainability commitments are just at the starting point; progress through measurable results are needed. Commitments often do not provide enough details.

The challenge for the Korean government now is to develop and implement solid policies and measures to demonstrate that the net zero 2050 target can indeed be achieved. Critical to the target is also to bring the private sector on board with commensurate commitments. That is what we propose to focus the Campaign on in the lead up to the P4G Summit on May 30-31, 2021.

For more information, please email: [email protected]