On 25 February 2021 at 1 pm CET, UNEP Education team in co-operation with the GO4SDGs initiative and the World Bank's Energy team under the ¨Disruptive Transition and Employment Opportunities¨ activity funded by ESMAP, is organising an event on "Connecting Sustainability Energy Businesses with Education: Getting the Workforce You Need".
The key issue that will be discussed is: How can the private sector connect with educational and training institutions to prepare the workforce for clean energy and the green economy? The event aims to help employers and educators connect for this purpose.
The green transition is creating new job opportunities all over the world. Renewable efficiency is expanding rapidly together with technology disruptions, the skill sets needed by tomorrow´s workforce will be different.
Opening remarks:
- Mari Nishimura, United Nations Environment Programme
- Rana Adib, Executive Director, REN21: Renewables Now
- Lisa Jacobson, President, Business Council for Sustainable Energy
- A representative from Clean Energy Business Council MENA
- Olasimbo Sojinrin, Nigeria Country Director Solar Sister
- Fawzia Tarannum, TERI School of Advanced Studies
- Prem Jain, University of Zambia
- David Fernandez (TDB), Singapore Management University Business School
- Jean-Christopher Carteron, Kedge Business School
- Ken Walz, Madison College, CREATE Renewable Energy Center
- Cheryl Desha, Griffith University
- Hideaki Ohgaki, Kyoto University
- Andreas Blom, World Bank
- Paul Noumba Um, World Bank
- Debra Rowe, US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
- Erik Fernstrom, World Bank