CTCN Climate Technology Matchmaking Event

Location :
Brussels, Belgium

On 20-21 November 2019, the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) with support from the European Commission, is organizing the first private sector matchmaking event in Brussels, Belgium.

The event will offer the opportunity for National Designated Entities (NDEs) in the Asia-Pacific region, network members and climate technology service providers, including private sector and international organizations, to meet face-to-face to discuss climate technology needs on energy efficiency, clean energy and renewable energy. It will also provide a venue to share experiences on the challenges faced in implementing clean energy initiatives and to learn from good practices and successful case studies from fellow implementers as well as technology suppliers and service providers.

The event builds on the successes of matchmaking events organized by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and will include an online profile and meeting brokering element along with workshops, which will be held at the sidelines of the Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Conference (G-STIC 2019).  

Participants are requested to register on the online matchmaking platform, create a profile and share funded clean energy technology needs. This will help potential suppliers and service providers know your requirements and submit relevant expressions of interests to pitch the technologies and approaches they have to offer.

For additional information, please contact Sambit Nayak, CTCN Mitigation Specialist for Asia-Pacific, at [email protected].

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