European Pellet Conference 2020

Location :
Wels, Austria

The European Pellet Conference 2020, taking place in Wels, Austria, on 4-5 March, offers an opportunity for participants to get informed about current trends in the pellet and bioenergy world.

Biomass is a cornerstone for the success of the clean energy transition in Europe and globally, and pellets are a clean, CO2-neutral and convenient fuel with growing market shares worldwide.

More than 450 participants from across the biomass value chain, including energy companies and commercial pellet users, as well as those from the bioenergy research community and representatives of public bodies, such as EU institutions, and national, regional and local governments, are expected to attend the European Pellet Conference 2020.

The meeting, taking place in Wels, Austria, on 4-15 March, offers an opportunity for participants to get informed about current trends in the pellet and bioenergy world and will include:

  • A series of sessions delivering the latest news about markets, technologies and policies
  • Technical site visits on fuels, equipment and exemplary installations
  • A major tradeshow on renewable energy with over 100 pellet-related exhibitors