First Meeting of the EMG Consultative Process on Sustainable Infrastructure

On 17 March 2021 at 21:00 (CET), the UN Environment Management Group (UN EMG) is hosting the 'First Meeting of the EMG Consultative Process on Sustainable Infrastructure' online.

In November 2020, the EMG Senior Officials agreed to establish a Consultative Process on Sustainable Infrastructure to strengthen the coordination of UN-system support to the Member States in this area of work and requested the EMG Secretariat to facilitate its establishment.

Objective and scope

Based on the outcome of the EMG Nexus Dialogue on sustainable infrastructure and EMG Members’ shared interest and expertise in sustainable infrastructure, the Consultative Process will deliver the following outputs:

  1. EMG Members’ review of the International Good Practice Principles for Sustainable Infrastructure and provision of written comments, with a view to endorsement as a UN-wide framework, either in its current form or as a revised document with increased scope and ambition.
  2. Compilation of sustainable infrastructure tools from UN bodies in support of Member States’ implementation of the International Good Practice Principles for Sustainable Infrastructure – to be integrated into existing Sustainable Infrastructure Tool Navigator Platform, as applicable.
  3. Preparation and maintenance of a consolidated calendar of UN events and international policy processes in the lead-up to UNEA-5.2 in February 2022 related to or relevant to sustainable infrastructure and identification of opportunities for engagement with those processes.
  4. Ongoing provision of coordinated inputs into relevant events and policy processes, where opportunities exist.
  5. A follow-up meeting to the EMG Nexus Dialogue on sustainable infrastructure, with a proposed focus on how sustainable infrastructure can deliver on SDGs while stimulating economies and building the resilience of infrastructure systems in the COVID-19 recovery context.

The first meeting of the Consultative Process on Sustainable Infrastructure  will be held on Wednesday, 17 March from 09:00pm – 10.30pm (CET). This meeting will introduce existing work and progress made on sustainable infrastructure, explain what the Consultative Process seeks to achieve and discuss the anticipated outputs. 


15h00-15h15    Welcome remarks and introduction to Consultative Process on Sustainable Infrastructure (Hossein Fadaei, UN EMG and Fulai Sheng, UNEP)

15h15-15h35    Overview of sustainable infrastructure workstream (Rowan Palmer, UNEP)

  • UN Environment Assembly Resolution on Sustainable Infrastructure
  • International Good Practice Principles for Sustainable Infrastructure
  • Accompanying tools in support of Member State implementation
  • 2019 EMG Nexus Dialogue and value of UN system coordination
  • Infrastructure and economic recovery from COVID-19

15h35-16h20    Discussion on envisioned Consultative Process and outputs

  • Views on plans and outputs
  • Potential contributions from individual UN bodies
  • Ideas for improved coordination

16h20-16h30    Summary and next steps (Hossein Fadaei, UN Environment Management Group)

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