Global Chemicals Management Towards 2030 and Beyond

Organisation :
Chemical Watch

On 19-20 January 2021, Chemical Watch is hosting an event "Global Chemicals Management Towards 2030 and Beyond".

This event is aimed at key stakeholders in the chemicals management sector who are interested in making substantial progress in managing chemicals at a global level, especially in addressing roadblocks to the goal of minimising the negative human health and environmental impacts of chemicals. It aims to highlight best practice in chemicals management and give examples of green chemistry. Day one will focus on what support developing and emerging economies need for managing chemicals; what are the best regulations when compared internationally? What are the best ways of creating impact at a transnational and even global level? Day two will shine a light on best practice in chemicals management and give examples of green chemistry, particularly involving downstream companies that are trying to tackle hazardous chemicals throughout their products’ lifecycles. 

Key topics at the event include:

  • Global supply chain activities
  • Safer substitution and green chemistry
  • Successful partnerships in chemicals management and waste
  • Demonstrating and measuring progress
  • Best practice for regulations globally
  • What developing and emerging economies need and want in terms of support for managing chemicals
Sectors :