Global Leadership on the Circular Economy

Location :
Ottowa, Canada

On 12 December 2018 (3:00 pm EST) the Smart Prosperity Institute is hosting an event entitled "Global Leadership on the Circular Economy: How Finland and Canada are Moving Towards a Sustainable, Profitable, Low-waste Future". 

The world needs pioneering solutions to ensure that economic growth and increased well-being are no longer based on the wasteful use and discarding of natural resources. The ideal circular economy is a closed loop in which items are designed for shareability, durability, repair and reuse; where pollution is designed out of the system, and used materials flow back in as valuable inputs, rather than out, as waste. In a circular economy, the foundation for earnings will be in the provision of services and digital solutions, rather than product offerings. 


Welcoming Address

  • Ambassador Vesa Lehtonen, Embassy of Finland       

Keynote: Circular economy - a source of prosperity and a powerful tool in climate mitigation

  • Kari Herlevi, Project Director, Circular Economy, Sitra, The Finnish Innovation Fund       

Armchair Dialogue: What does it take to build a circular economy?

  • Mike Wilson, Executive Director, Smart Prosperity Institute
  • Leah Canning, Senior Policy Advisor, Environment and Climate Change Canada


About Kari Herlevi

Kari Herlevi is the Project Director, Circular Economy at the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. Previously responsible for the Resource efficient economy area in Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, he managed the Green Growth – Towards a sustainable future -programme, which aimed to identify potential new growth areas for the sustainable economy business. Previously Kari led the Vigo accelerator programme at Tekes and supported Tekes management. Kari has also worked in the Tekes Silicon Valley office for a few years and his special interests are circular economy, fast growing cleantech firms and developing countries like BRIC.

About the Finnish Innovation Fund, Sitra

Sitra is the Finnish Innovation Fund, an independent, self-financed public foundation that operates directly under the supervision of the Finnish Parliament. Its objective is to promote stable and balanced development in Finland, qualitative and quantitative economic growth and international competitiveness and cooperation.

Register for the event below.