Investing in the Future of Europe: InvestEU and the role of national promotional institutions

Location :
Brussels, Belgium

On 8 March 2023, the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is organizing this policy workshop on the role of national promotional institutions.

InvestEU Programme aims to trigger more than €370 billion public and private investment until 2027. Unlike the Investment Plan for Europe, a significant part of the InvestEU Programme is implemented through national promotional institutions, which hold in-depth knowledge of national and local investment ecosystems and needs. This important novelty aims at fostering sustained and inclusive growth across all territories of the EU. 

One year after its implementation started, is the InvestEU Programme contributing to bridging the investment gap in Europe? What role has been played so far by national promotional institutions? Can they help direct EU financial resources where they are most needed? What is yet to be done to invest in the future of Europe? 



  • Cinzia Alcidi, Director of Research, CEPS 
  • Elena Flores Gual, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission  
  • June Butler, Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland
  • Massimo d’Eufemia, Head of European Affairs, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
  • Michel Casselman, General Manager, PMV 


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