LKDF Forum 2021

On 22 September 2021, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO is hosting the LKDF Forum 2021.

The Learning and Knowledge Development Facility (LKDF) is a platform that promotes industrial skills development among young people in emerging developing economies.

Under the theme "Digital Skills for an Inclusive Future", and through a combination of plenary sessions, networking opportunities and expert-led workshops, the online forum will discuss the future of skills and jobs, in particular, how public and private sector partners can work together to reduce the mismatch between supply and demand for skills.


The LKDF Forum 2021 will convene virtually on 22 September under the theme Digital Skills for an Inclusive Future, followed by a virtual hackathon on 23-24 September to build on the 2020 forum’s edition and compete to create the best green skills solution. The first day of the event will be open to the wider public, whereas the remaining days will be open only to selected applicants of the hackathon.

  • Convene public and private stakeholders for Public-Private Development Partnerships (PPDPs)
  • Help assess the skill gap
  • Propose concrete actions
  • Measure impacts