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On 23 April 2020 Finance Watch and the Club of Rome are holding a half-day conference "The real prize of the EU Green Deal: Embedding environmental goals at the heart of economic and financial decision-making".
Finance Watch publishes its new report, Mobilising Finance for Nature, to discuss some of the challenges of financing the restoration and the protection of nature and climate and the links with The Club of Rome Planetary Emergency Plan:
- Can the EU embed nature concerns in governance at a high level, similar to its existing policies on Energy Union and Climate Action?
- What are the limits and the potential for private finance in protecting biodiversity and ecosystems services?
- Is public finance (EU and national budgets and investments) up to the challenge?
- How can the EU semester effectively integrate the SDGs into economic and financial governance, as proposed by the Commission?
- What are partnership options to reach our common goal - making finance serve nature - in the coming years?
*Please note that, if the further development of the novel coronavirus does not allow the organisers to hold the conference, the event will be cancelled and postponed to a later date.