Regional deep dive: Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean joining forces for circularity


Fast-growing populations and urbanization combined with rising standards and aspirations of living and economic modernization are shaping the future of sustainable development in the Global South. Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are joining forces to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy. This session marks the starting point for further joint action and will serve as a regional dialogue to frame a common understanding of how the circular economy can facilitate the transition to climate-compatible and inclusive development in the Global South. Innovative solutions will also be showcased to demonstrate existing opportunities across regions.

Outcomes and Objectives

The session will:

  1. Discuss development-related commonalities and circular economy opportunities between the two regions,
  2. Showcase examples of circular innovations/circular economy in practice of local SMEs.
  3. Highlight areas for collaboration and peer-to-peer learning

The goal is to foster regional collaboration to support ambitious actions that will help accelerating the transition to a circular economy in Africa and LAC.  This is aligned with WCEF2021 objective of strengthening leadership and capacity and advancing CE as a solution for sustainable development in the Global South.

Click here to register!

This event is organized by African Development Bank Group (AfDB) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and supported by the Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals iniatitive (GO4SDGs).




Mr. James Irungu Mwangi, Executive Director, Dalberg Group

H.E. Carlos Eduardo Correa, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Republic of Colombia

H.E. Jeanne d'Arc Mujawamariya, Minister of Environment, Republic of Rwanda

Professor Kenneth Amaechi, Business School, University of Edinburgh

Ms. Wanjiru Waweru Waithaka, Founder and CEO, FunKidz

Mr. Gonzalo Muñoz, COP High Level Climate Action Champion, Co-Founder and Drector of Triciclos, Board Member of B-Lab (Chile)

Mr. Samuel Rigu, Founder and CEO, Safi Organics

Ms. Valery Zevallos, Founder and CEO, Estrafalario

Mr. Al Hamdou Dorsouma, Acting Director for Climate Change & Green Growth and Responsible for ACEA secretariat – African Development Bank

Ms. Adriana Zacarias Farah, Coordinator of the LAC Circular Economy Coalition and the Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs)

Mr. Xiye Bastida, Youth and Climate Activitist