The Right to Science in the Context of Toxic Substances

Organisation :
United Nations Human Rights Council (OHCHR)

The event “The right to science in the context of toxic substances” will be hosted on 22 September 2021, 15:30 CEST, this is a virtual side-event to the 48th Session of the Human Rights Council. The Special Rapporteur on Toxics, Marco Orellana, will present his annual thematic report to the UN Human Rights Council, dedicated to the human right to science with regard to the risks and harms associated with the life cycle of hazardous substances and wastes, examining the dynamics and interconnections between scientific progress, the diffusion of scientific information and the science-policy interface.

This virtual side-event to the 48th Session of the Human Right Council, is convened by the Special Rapporteur, within the framework of the Geneva Toxic Free Talks, with the logistical support of  the Geneva Environment Network. The event is co-sponsored by Uruguay, Switzerland, the United Nations Environment Programme, the Center for International Environmental Law and Earthjustice.


Opening Remarks

·       H.E. Amb. Álvaro MOERZINGER | Permanent Representative of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay to UN Geneva

·       Felix WERTLI | Head, Global Affairs Section, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment

Presentation of the Report to the Human Rights Council

·       Marcos ORELLANA | UN Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights

Disinformation campaigns through distortion of scientific information and dissemination of fake science, silencing of scientists and means to combat such practices

·       Laura N. VANDENBERG | Associate Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs and Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Citizen science, practical application of the right to science to the benefit of communities

·       Sarojeni RENGAM | Executive Director at Pesticide Action Network Asia Pacific

Relevance to UNEA and ICCM5 process 

·       Monika GAIL MACDEVETTE | Chief, Chemicals and Health Branch, UNEP



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