Role of Fiscal Policies in a Green COVID-19 Recovery: Experience, Best Practice and Next Steps in the Asia-Pacific Region

Organisation :
economic analysis

On 14-15 September 2021, the Green Fiscal Policy Network is hosting the workshop on the "Role of Fiscal Policies in a Green COVID-19 Reocovery: Experience, Best Practice and Next Steps in the Asia-Pacific Region". 

The workshop explores the potential role of green fiscal policy in Covid-19 recovery with the aim of supporting public health efforts, reducing environmental and climate change risks, and strengthening resilience to future crises by embedding inclusive and sustainable socio-economic considerations in national economic planning.  

  • DAY 1: Tuesday, 14 September, 2021
    • SESSION 1: The Role of Green Fiscal Policies in the Recovery: Findings From the Global Recovery Observatory and the UNESCAP 2021 Socio-economic Survey
    • SESSION 2: Sustainable Public Financing for a Green Recovery to Achieve the SDGs and the Paris Agreement: Green Bonds and Green Budgeting
  • DAY 2: Wednesday, 15 September, 2021
    • SESSION 3: Round Table Discussion on Fiscal Policy as an Enabler for Scaling Up Private Investment in Support of a Green Recovery
    • SESSION 4: The Potential for Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform and Carbon Pricing to Contribute to Building Forward Better
    • SESSION 5: The Political Economy of Green Fiscal Policies in the Context of Green Recovery
Regions :