The 4th annual SDG Business Forum will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on Wednesday, 25 September 2019. The Business Forum provides a unique multi-stakeholder platform to support business action and partnerships to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – fostering public-private dialogues, catalysing new partnerships and alliances, and exploring innovative business solutions to accelerate sustainable development.
The Forum will be held alongside the UN’s 2019 High-Level Political Forum which will be held under the auspices of the General Assembly (SDG Summit) with the theme of: “Accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
The 2019 SDG Business Forum will be a landmark event to showcase businesses and their leaders who have worked to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In its fourth year, the forum will work to connect the high-level priorities of the General Assembly: Climate, Sustainable Financing, Universal Health Coverage.
7:30 – 9:30 | SDG Solutions Immersive Breakfast
The SDG Solutions breakfast will be an opportunity for companies to showcase their upcoming technologies. This two-hour buffet style breakfast hosted by ICC and UNGC will allow companies to erect exhibits or tables dedicated to their latest innovations. It will be an invitation only event and an opportunity reserved for companies that have displayed true leadership in the SDG arena.
10:00-10:30 | Introduction
The opening to this year’s business forum will turn the traditional UN event introduction on its head. The Master of Ceremonies will ask each of the hosting organization representatives one question that will allow them to demonstrate their dedication to the SDGs.
10:30 – 11:30 | Panel 1: Sustainable Financing for 2030
Some of the world's largest corporations are increasingly vocal about the SDGs. What implications does this positioning have on corporate strategies and business models? What steps can companies take to tangibly integrate the SDGs into their financing, operational processes and internal decision-making? What incentives are needed for investors and companies to expand their investments in emerging and frontier markets? How can governments and investors support a shift towards SDG-aligned business models? Can MNCs help micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to fund their plans for SDG adoption?
11:30 – 12:00 | Short Conversation – “The Future of Business”
This section will be a boundary-pushing Davos-style interview exploring where the participants think business is headed in 2030 and beyond.
12:00 – 13:00 | Panel 2: Scaling Ambition
While the SDGs have provided a framework for governments to improve the livelihoods of their citizens, and the Global Compact has tracked business engagement with its ten principles, we must acknowledge that there is still so much work to be done. Business and Industry stakeholders must do their part to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Panel 2 will highlight those companies that have gone “above and beyond” the call of duty. Whether they have eliminated modern slavery in their supply chains, invested in the adoption of sustainable technologies, or promoted gender equality in the workplace, the speakers during this panel will be leaders in their field who are working to go the extra mile.