Sustainable Tourism 2020

Location :
Madrid, Spain

On 8-10 July 2020, the Wessex Institute is hosting the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism in Madrid, Spain. 

Sustainable Tourism 2020 is the ninth meeting organised in this successful series. The first was held in Segovia (2004), followed by Bologna (2006), Malta (2008), the New Forest, home of the Wessex Institute (2010), A Coruña (2012), Opatija, Croatia (2014), Valencia (2016) and Vienna (2018).

Today, tourism is an important component of development, not only in economic terms but also for knowledge and human welfare. Tourism today is an activity accessible to a growing number of people.

Sustainable Tourism 2020 aims to find ways to protect the natural and cultural landscape through the development of new solutions which minimise the adverse effects of tourism. This can be achieved through new strategies involving the active collaboration of society as a whole.

All papers presented at previous Sustainable Tourism Conferences as well as all other meetings organised by the Wessex Institute since 1993 are freely available in the WIT eLibrary (