UNEP FI Regional Roundtable on Sustainable Finance - Latin America and the Caribbean

Location :
Sao Paulo, Brazil

The UN Environment Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) Regional Roundtable for Sustainable Finance in Latin America and the Caribbean will take place in October 2019 in São Paulo, Brazil. 

The meeting, co-organized with the Brazilian Federation of Banks (FEBRABAN), will bring together UNEP FI members and sustainable finance practitioners to discuss latest trends and innovations, and share good practices. It will feature a mix of high-level plenaries and keynote addresses from public and private sector leaders in sustainable finance, as well as technical sessions covering approaches to sustainability in investment, insurance and banking. The roundtable will also enable participants to network with policymakers, regulators and peers from across the finance industry in Latin America and the Caribbean and to exchange ideas and experiences to help advance sustainable finance in the region.

Building on over two decades of successful roundtables, these regional events are designed to create rich opportunities for UNEP FI members to connect with one another and to raise awareness of sustainable finance work in progress across the banking, investment and insurance sectors.

For more information, please contact Mustafa Chaudhry.


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