Using Natural Capital Accounting by Governments to Value and Embed Nature in Decision-Making by Business and Finance

On 13 April 2021, the Capitals Coalition is hosting two live sessions of Government Dialogue Hub on Using Natural Capital Accounting by Governments to Value and Embed Nature in Decision-Making by Business and Finance.
If 2021 needs to be the year where commitments for nature are turned into actions; governments and businesses call for clear roadmaps to implement net positive approaches. 
The recent adoption of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting – Ecosystem Accounting ( SEEA AE) framework is a stepping stone to change the system. It goes beyond GDP to recognize the value of nature, water, biodiversity, forest, and ecosystems.  
But, how these accounts could be useful for the business and finance community considering issues like scale, or granularity of data? How can they inform actions to set targets and make sure nature is properly taken into account in business and finance decision-making? Challenge around data accessibility, data robustness and consistency still exists and need to be overcome.    
In the 13 April sessions of the Government Dialogue, those essential topics will be discussed by experts in the field to move forward the conversation. 


  • Bert Kroese - Chair of the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic/ Deputy Director General of CBS and Jessica Ying Chan – UN Statistics Division: Opportunities to accelerate change – introducing the UN-SEEA standard and roadmap
  • Ms. Bhanumati – Deputy Director-General of Statistical Office India (to be confirmed): country application to improve statistics and support sustainable decision-making
  • Johan Lammerant – Natural Capital and Biodiversity Expert at Arcadis:  business consultation and need on natural capital data and data sources
  • Martin Lok and Louise Amand from Capitals Coalition: Levers of changes and next steps 
The session marks the occasion with a double launch:  
  • The publication of the narrative “Natural Capital for Biodiversity Policies: why, what, why, and how”  will be released for the first time. 
  • The creation of a Government Dialogue Hub, a collaborative platform on policy, by and for the community. It aims to provide a safe space for policymakers and practitioners to exchange resources, events, and examples to shift paradigms and create an enabling environment to redefine value and transform decision-making.