On October 12-14 2021, the Ministry for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation of Ghana and the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment are hosting the World Resources Forum 2021 to foster a multi-stakeholder dialogue around "A Green Deal for Sustainable Resources".
The conference is composed of three tracks: primary resources, secondary resources and circular economy. WRF2021 brings together stakeholders from policy, industry, science and civil society to discuss latest challenges and solutions for the governance, management and use of natural resources. It will be centred around how a green deal can:
- Make a case for circular resources (circular economy topic stream).
- Turn waste into resources for development (secondary resources topic stream).
- Strive for fair resources extraction for a prosperous future (primary resources topic stream).
WRF2021 will be a hybrid conference, with a rich programme of panel debates, workshops and scientific sessions happening fully online, and two small-scale in-person events in Dübendorf, Switzerland (13 October) and Accra, Ghana (14 October). All sessions - including the ones happening in-person in Ghana and Switzerland - will be livestreamed and accessible through the virtual event platform.
There is a fee for registration.