World Resources Forum 2023

Organisation :
World Resources Forum (WRF)
Location :
Geneva, Switzerland and online
World Resources Forum 2023

On 4-9 September 2023, the World Resources Forum hosts its annual conference, both in-person in Geneva, Switzerland and online. The theme of this year's event is "Rethinking Value - Resources for Planetary Wellbeing". 

This year's conference puts global resource use at the core of a broader economic and societal paradigm shift, calling for a collaborative and effective strategy to respond to the triple planetary crisis and pave the way for a future delivering wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries.

The World Resources Forum is a world-leading conference in the field of sustainable natural resource management and acts as a multi-stakeholder platform to foster an open and solution-oriented dialogue among policymakers, scientists, businesses and civil society organizations. The programme includes talks and panel debates, interactive sessions, a scientific venue and man opportunities to exchange with like-minded participants.

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