Introduction of the Framework Act on Resource Circulation toward Establishing a Resource-Circulating Society in Korea

As a resource-poor and heavy energy-using society, Korea faces serious environmental, economic and social threats. Therefore, in order to transform the mass production-oriented and mass waste-producing economic Structure into a much more sustainable and efficient resource-circulating one at a fundamental level, Korea enacted the Framework Act on Resource Circulation (FARC). 

Introduction of the Framework Act on Resource Circulation toward Establishing a Resource-Circulating Society in Korea features the structure and key provisions of the FARC. The provisions of the FARC can be divided into three categories, each of which is establishing a basis for resource circulation, promoting resource circulation, and supporting recycling industries. The FARC introduces new waste management related programs such as 'Recyclable Resource Recognition Program (RRRP)', 'Resource Circulation Performance Management Program (RCPMP)', 'Waste Disposal Fees' and so on. 

Countries :
Government Entity :
Ministry of Environment