The primary goal of the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre (RECP Centre) is contributing to the green modernization of the industry through the introduction of a resource efficient and cleaner production concept (RECP) on different levels, including enhancing the resource productivity, competitiveness and environmental performance of companies in Ukraine and abroad. The RECP Centre fosters economic efficiency, helps reduce industrial risks for people and negative footprint on the environment, introduces the Sustainable Development approach. To fulfill its goals and objectives, the RECP Centre maintains good relationships and fruitful cooperation with international projects and organizations, expert companies, government agencies, financial institutions, business associations, academia and educational institutions throughout the region.
The core activities of the RECP Centre are: implementation of projects on industry modernization, environmental protection, circular economy, sound chemicals management, water management, monitoring GHG emissions, sustainable development, etc.; raising awareness through events, media and other channels; conducting technical audits of companies, including an assessment of facilities and buildings as well as identifying and offering options to use energy, materials and water more efficiently in industrial manufacturing processes and services and reducing waste and CO2 emission generation; providing technical consulting and technology transfer support; conducting energy surveys of buildings and facilities, environmental mapping of enterprises; carrying out technical measurements; conducting trainings on RECP-related topics; and development of publications (industry guides, business cases, workbooks, etc.).
Having started operations in 2013, the RECP Centre has provided technical support to more than 200 companies and helped them to improve their resource efficiency and environmental performance.
You can contact the RECP Centre at: [email protected]g