The project is intended to set up a regional green economy network between the Caribbean countries: Jamaica, Haiti, and Saint Lucia. Therefore, the Caribbean Green Economy Conference 2013, organized on 4-6 June, 2013, was the first step to collectively brainstorm and explore options to achieve this outcome. This Conference endorsed that the green economy has “continued relevance to the development agenda of the region, and potential to lead, foster and stimulate economic activity, wealth creation, green and better jobs, improved ecosystems and natural resources, and improved human wellbeing”. The conference discussed activities, scope and mandates of different existing regional networks, which have activities relevant for green economy, in particular, the Caribbean Growth Forum and The Caribbean Green Economy Action Learning Group (GE ALG).
The main objectives of this project are:
1. Support the creation of national Green Economy knowledge and network platforms and a regional Green Economy network for sharing of experiences and best practices;
2. Define country-relevant policy menus of Green Economy investment options and supportive policies based on quantitative assessment in Haiti, Jamaica and Saint Lucia;
3. Develop and support a regional centre of excellence on Green Economy; and production of capacity-building materials tailor-made for policymakers in the region.