A growing number of African countries are amongst the fastest growing economies worldwide. Still the level and speed of lifting a vast majority of the African people from poverty remains low. A key question, therefore, is how the growth can transform the African economies towards efficient and competitive engines that reduce poverty and do not threat the environment. A number of African countries have recognized the potential of Green Economy and have started taking strategic measures at national level. Practical applications at the local level in Africa are still rare.
The objective of this project is to complement these national efforts by developing key planning and management tools for Green Economy at the local level, building the capacity of local governments and other relevant stakeholders from the public and private sector, supporting pilot demonstrations and developing an appropriate national framework for replication.
The project is leading to an enhanced integrated planning as well as changes in local policies that lead to pro-poor and financially viable resource efficient, ecosystem restoring, low carbon or climate resilient projects implemented within the pilot communities. Furthermore, it builds national capacities and provides the framework for further replication of the pilot lessons and experiences. The project is also embedded in the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) to increase its strategic impact and programmatic coherence.