Green Skills and Environmental Awareness in Vocational Education and Training. Synthesis Report

European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)

In the light of the strong policy commitments at European level to the development of a sustainable and resource-efficient economy, in recent years Cedefop has been focusing on ‘green’ growth and its implications for skills and vocational education and training policies.

This report examines trends in employment, skill needs and training provision for a selected group of occupations likely to be affected by the development of a low-carbon and resource-efficient economy and makes policy recommendations that seek to ensure that businesses can take advantage of the opportunities presented by this transition and that the skill needs it generates are met.

Nine occupations were selected to provide a balanced mix of sectors and skill levels in the labour market:

(a) nanotechnologist, engineering technologist and environmental engineer as examples of high-skilled occupations;

(b) energy auditor, transport vehicle emissions inspector, insulation worker, electrician, solar photovoltaic installer and sheet-metal worker as examples of medium-skilled occupations;

(c) refuse/recycling collector as an example of a low-skilled occupation.

Eight Member States were analysed, representing different stages of the development of a sustainable, resource-efficient economy: Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia and the UK.

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