Guide for the Inclusion of NDC Ecuador at the Subnational Level in Territorial Planning

Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP)

This report (available only in Spanish) provides guidance to facilitate the design and implementation of low-emission development strategies in Ecuador, including NDCs at the provicinal level. It offers tools for the inclusion of NDC actions into local territorial planning, and how to support the country's monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system. It aligns with measures outlined in the National Climate Change Strategy 2012-2025 (ENCC), which calls for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20.9% by 2025, and ensuring that financial flows are consistent with low-emission and climate-resilient development.

The publication is a product of the Climate Helpdesk technical assistance programme, which is led by the Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) and managed by LEDS LAC, prepared by Grupo FARO under the supervision of the Consortium of Provincial Governments of Ecuador (CONGOPE). 

Readers may reproduce this document as long as the source is recognized as follows: FARO Group. (2021). Methodological document. "Guide for inclusion of NDCs in Ecuador at the sub-national level in territorial planning".

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