Supply chain analysis and material demand forecast in strategic technologies and sectors in the EU – A foresight study

Authors :
Carrara, S., Bobba, S., Blagoeva, D., Alves Dias, P., Cavalli, A., Georgitzikis, K., Grohol, M., Itul, A., Kuzov, T., Latunussa, C., Lyons, L., Malano, G., Maury, T., Prior Arce, A., Somers, J., Telsnig, T., Veeh, C., Wittmer, D., Black, C., Pennington, D. and Christou, M.
European Commission
Supply chain analysis and material demand forecast in strategic technologies and sectors in the EU

In order for the European Union to achieve the ambitious targets it has set for the energy and digital transitions and its defence and space agenda, it needs undisrupted access to critical raw materials and to many products which contain them. This foresight study presents a systematic and detailed analysis of the complete value chains, from raw and processed materials to components, assemblies and systems, for 15 key technologies across the five strategic sectors (renewable energy, electromobility, industrial, digital, and aerospace/defence) responsible for the delivery of these targets.

The study assesses supply chain dependencies and forecasts materials demand until 2050 in the EU, other economic regions and the world. It also assesses the EU’s materials needs and vulnerabilities now and in the future. As such, it provides a forward-looking basis to help identify strategic raw materials for key technologies and applications, to identify bottlenecks and to pinpoint the segments of supply chains which need strengthening and how. This study contributes scientific evidence to underpin the Critical Raw Materials Act, in tandem with which it is published.

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