On 15 December 2020 at 11:00 (CET), Circulate Capital is hosting a webinar on 'India’s Circular Economy Opportunity'.
A vital part of the circular economy opportunity is the untapped economic and social value from the proper management of waste and recycling of plastics. In India, this represents a $2 billion opportunity and could create around 1.4 million jobs. Now is the time to catalyse efforts and capital to turn plastic ‘waste’ from a scourge into a resource for a thriving circular economy.
This webinar will explore the potential for all stakeholders, including Government, corporates, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), entrepreneurs, and the informal sector to realize value from India’s circular economy opportunity. Innovative waste management and recycling solutions, the power of collaboration, and catalytic capital present the winning factors that will help propel India to become a circular economy champion and serve as a role model for other markets.