Closing the Loop: Circular Economy Business Models in the Electronics and Agri-food Sectors


On 22-23 September 2021, CEPS is hosting the webinar "Closing the Loop: Circular Economy Business Models in the Electronics and Agri-food Sectors".

The circular economy is at the core of the industrial transformation in Europe and the move towards more sustainable economic models. Various circular business models have been emerging in the electronics and agri-food sector to address waste challenges, the use of resources across supply chains, socio-economic and environmental demands, land use, energy and water consumption. However, the uptake of such circular business models has been limited in comparison to the scale of challenges linked to the management of waste from these two sectors.

The webinar will dissus these topics, as well as the challenges and policies needed to further boost circular solutions for the electrical and electronic equipment sector and the agri-food value chain.

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Tags :
circular business model
circular economy