On 21 January 2021, at 14:00-16:00 CET, the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) is hosting a webinar "Domestic Climate Finance Mapping and Planning Workshop".
Monitoring public and private spending and investment patterns is essential to achieving climate mitigation and adaptation objectives. Such information helps measure progress, identify gaps, align flows, and optimizes the deployment of public resources in a way that can effectively and efficiently unlock private investment at the transformational scales needed.
Last year on the sidelines of COP25 in Madrid, the European Forest Institute, Climate Policy Initiative, and UNDP organized an interactive workshop that brought together donor governments and implementing organizations actively engaged in tracking and mapping domestic climate finance or considering doing so. Participants exchanged ideas, tools, and methods related to climate finance mapping and tracking to better understand practitioners’ needs and priorities to support the implementation of national climate strategies. Over 45 participants attended the workshop from more than 24 countries.
The objectives of this event is to:
- Share updates and lessons learned among the community of practitioners about recent efforts to track and map domestic climate finance, including efforts to better capture public and private sector finance and to measure progress in line with national plans and Paris Agreement objectives.
- Provide an update on related international reporting requirements and transparency efforts.