CPI Webinar - Net Zero Finance Tracker: UK Dashboard Beta Launch

On 29 June 2021, Climate Policy Initiative is hosting a webinar on "Net Zero Finance Tracker: UK Dashboard Beta Launch". CPI is launching the UK beta of the Net Zero Finance Tracker, an interactive database that tracks announced commitments by private sector entities, as well as their action on the ground to implement those commitments, including portfolio alignment of asset owners and managers. These datasets represent the best information currently available to measure private sector alignment with the Paris Agreement, covering a wide range of actions throughout the financial system, as well as concrete benchmarks for progress towards net zero.

Join the webinar to find out about the methodology that gives the Tracker its integrity, and a live demo of the Tracker that draws on nearly 200 publicly-available and private datasets to cover more than 1200 private institutions in the UK that together represent over USD 25 trillion in assets managed or owned.

This event will also review initial finding of what the Tracker reveals: while the financial response to climate change in the UK has picked up speed in recent years, we are falling far short of the level of response needed to align finance flows and portfolios with Paris Agreement goals. A presentation by the researchers (25 minutes) will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions.

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