Developing a Sustainable Finance Roadmap: A strategic approach

Organisation :
Green Finance Platform, Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP)
Sustainable Finance Roadmap Webinar Banner

On 8 December 2022 (10:00 CET), the Green Finance Platform is hosting the webinar "Developing a Sustainable Finance Roadmap: A strategic approach".

Part of the GEF #AligningFinancePolicies webinar series, this event advanced a discussion on strategic steps to develop and implement sustainable finance roadmaps and presented the Sustainable Finance Diagnostic Toolkit, which provides the starting point for sustainable finance roadmaps.

The discussion focused on practical knowledge, including:

  • What is the goal and scope of sustainable finance in your country's context?
  • What policy and regulatory interventions can your country make to close sustainable investment gaps?
  • What are the barriers that are hard to overcome in transforming the financial system to be aligned with sustainability goals?
  • What can be done to increase the alignment of key stakeholders' interests with the sustainability agenda?
  • What are the key data, capacity or methodological gaps that hinder sustainable finance mobilization?





In alphabetical order:

Florencia Baldi, Head of Knowledge Hub, UNDP Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S)

John J. Maughan, Coordinator of the Secretariat, Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP)

Nandin-Erdene Enkhtuvshin, Senior Policy and Partnership Manager, Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association

Olumide Lala, Director and Co-Founder, Climate Transition Limited

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Tags :
sustainable finance roadmap
climate finance
sustainable investment