FAO Webinar - Green Cities to Build Back Better for SDGs: A new powerful venture

Organisation :
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

On 18 September 2020 at 18:00 (CEST), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is hosting a webinar of on 'Green Cities to Build Back Better for SDGs: A new powerful venture'.

The main objective of the “FAO Green Cities Initiative” and its action programme is to increase people’s wellbeing through better availability of and access to products and services provided by urban and peri-urban forestry, agriculture and food systems.

The webinar will present an integrated approach to urban and peri-urban planning aimed at:

  • Improving the quality and quantity of urban and peri-urban forest and green spaces to maximize the provision of ecosystem good and services to city dwellers;
  • Increasing the adoption of sustainable and climate-resilient practices and technologies to increase local food production, promote short supply chains, while reducing the urban and peri-urban environmental and climate footprint; and
  • Promoting sustainable and inclusive urban food systems through green agro-processing hubs, efficient food distribution, improved food environments and management of water resources and food waste along circular economy principles.

The event will highlight initiatives that are scaling up innovation and accelerating action, including the Milan Food Policy Pact, the New Urban Agenda, the World Sustainable Urban Food Centre of Valencia, the FAO Hand-in-Hand Initiative and other strategic partnerships.

The event will also feature testimonials from metropolitan, intermediary and small cities from around the world that are in line with the FAO Green Cities Initiative. It will also be an opportunity for all stakeholders, including national and local governments, UN Agencies and international organization and city networks, development organizations and donors to join the Initiative as active partners, while ensuring that urbanization becomes an opportunity for cities to be more sustainable and resilient, helping achieve the SDGs and leaving no one behind.

Click here to view concept note on this webinar.

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