Janez Potočnik, former European Commissioner for the Environment; Co-Chair of the International Resource Panel and Partner at SYSTEMIQ
Elizabeth M. White, Principal Strategist-Sustainability, Sector Economics and Development Impact, International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Simon Zadek, Chair of Finance for Biodiversity (F4B) and Director of Migrant Nation.
Ivo Mulder, Head (a.i), Climate Finance Unit (UNEP CFU), Ecosystem Division, UN Environment Programme
Anil Markandya, Ikerbasque Professor, Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)
Moderator: Megan Rowling, Climate Correspondent, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Background documents
Assessing Countries' Financial Needs to Meet the SDGs Through Natural Capital Investment | Fact sheet summary of the report
Building Biodiversity - The Natural Resource Management Approach