IIED Webinar - Reforming climate finance to support locally led adaptation: Principles for moving to business unusual

Organisation :

On 18 November 2020 at 15:00 (CET), the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and World Resources Institute (WRI) are hosting a webinar on ' Reforming climate finance to support locally led adaptation: Principles for moving to business unusual'.

There is global consensus on the need for actors and institutions at the local level to lead the development and design of adaptation solutions. Changes in finance flows, policy frameworks and organisational practices are needed to bring about this vision of locally led adaptation.

Evidence suggests that if we localise the way we plan, finance and deliver climate, nature and poverty solutions, more just solutions will be delivered by virtue of being closer to those most affected and with least voice. Working on the local level can also deliver more integrated, context-specific, agile, efficient, democratic and accountable solutions to and for the poorest and most excluded people.

This interactive session organised by IIED and the World Resources Institute (WRI) at London Climate Action Week on Wednesday, 18 November, will include ‘Hard talk: committing to locally led adaptation’ – a mock-interview presenting a vision and principles for locally led adaptation. We will also crowdsource ways of holding these actors accountable to commit to the promotion of locally led adaptation by enabling finance flows, policy frameworks and organisational practices.


  • Vel Gnanendran - director of climate change and environment at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
  • Rohini Kohli - lead technical specialist for National Adaptation Plans, in the nature, climate and energy team at UNDP
  • Dr Muhammed Musa - executive director of BRAC International
  • Farayi Madziwa - coordinator of the Readiness Programme at the Adaptation Fund
  • Clare Shakya - director of IIED's Climate Change research group
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Country :
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland